Web Hosting What is a Second Level Domain? | Tips to Choose SLD

What is a Second Level Domain? | Tips to Choose SLD

Second Level Domain | Tips to Choose SLD

The second level domain is part of the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. In the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy, a secondlevel domain (SLD or 2LD) is a domain that is directly below a top-level domain (TLD). The domain itself is composed of several parts, namely subdomains, second level domains (SLD), and top-level domains (TLD).

Well, this second level domain is the easiest part for visitors to remember. Therefore, for those who want to build a website, let’s find out the tips for making a good SLD in this article!

What is a Second Level Domain?

The second level domain or SLD is the part of the domain that is right in the middle of the web address, namely after the subdomain and before the TLDSLDis the identity of a website and is usually created using the name of a brand, company, or business.

So that you understand more about what parts are in the domain other than SLD, consider the following framework.

  • Subdomain – The front or left part of the domain, for example, “www”.
  • Second level domain – The part of the domain that is located after the subdomain, for example, “Techbriefers”, “Google”, “Facebook”, and so on.
  • Top-level domain – The last or closing part of a domain, a TLD is often referred to as a domain extension. Examples include “.com”, “.co.in”, “.net”, and others.
  • Third level domain – The more specific part of the domain. If the domain is likened to a house, then the room inside is a third-level domain. This section is optional and does not have to be on the website.

That’s the domain framework you need to know. From the discussion above, we will provide an example of a domain so that you understand more about its parts.

For example, there is a domain www.techbriefers.com/web-hosting/

  • www is a subdomain;
  • techbriefers is a second level domain;
  • .com is the top-level domain; And
  • web-hosting is a third-level domain.

Up here, of course, you already understand what SLD is and its location. Next, you will learn about the benefits of SLD. Come on, see the discussion below.

Also Read: What is a Subdomain and How to Create a Subdomain?

Benefits of Second Level Domains

The main benefit of the second level domain is website credibility. However, that’s not the limit; you should also be aware of several other benefits of SLD, which include:

1. Make a first impression

The benefit of SLD is that it gives visitors the first impression of the website. Moreover, when visitors view your domain, they read SLD as the first word. 

For example, there is the domain “cheaplaptop.com”, the first thing that comes to a visitor’s mind is definitely a website that sells laptops.

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2. Improve website branding by Second Level Domain

You can also enhance business branding strategies through SLD. As mentioned above, SLD is often the first word a visitor reads. Therefore, the SLD is the easiest part to remember.

The easier it is for visitors to remember the website address, the better the quality of the branding.

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3. Guidelines for business email by relevant Second Level Domain

A business email is an email address that ends with the name of a company or organization. When creating a business email, the name used is usually taken from the SLD.

For example, TechBriefers has a website techbriefers.com. Every employee and team of TechBriefers will receive an email with the addition of techbriefers behind it, for example, noah@techbriefers.com , emma@techbriefers.com, etc.

Having the same email as the website name will enhance the website’s credibility and professionalism.

Also Read: How to connect domain email to Gmail account

Tips for Selecting Second Level Domain

Since the role of SLD has significant importance in branding, you shouldn’t choose an SLD name arbitrarily. To optimize it, you can apply the following tips:

1. Choose a domain name that is easy to remember

Using a memorable domain name is very important so that visitors can remember and access it again in the future. In this case, the domain name should be simple, short, and clearly spelled.

For example, if you have a business or business called “XYZ Cleaners”, then the recommended domain is “xyzcleaners.com”. A domain name like this will be easier to remember than a more complicated address. And it is also relevant to your business as it includes the Business name.

2. Complete with the appropriate TLD

Apart from the domain name, you also need to complete it with a TLD that reflects the nature or purpose of the website. The choice of TLD itself doesn’t always have to end in .com, you can use another extension that is more suitable for the website. For example, .edu for education, .org for organizations, .stream for streaming media, and so on.

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3. Include the name of the area

If your website or business focuses on a certain region, you can include regional names in the domain to help with local marketing strategies. The intention is for users to easily find the geographic location of the business.

For example, if your business location is in the Clackamas area, then you can use a domain name like “clackamasshoeshub.com”. This domain shows the location of Clackamas and business about shoes clearly. This method is powerful enough to attract the attention of local audiences.

4. Insert keywords in it

Inserting keywords that are relevant to the product is a form of search engine optimization (SEO) technique. As is well known, SEO plays an important role in increasing website visibility in the SERP.

However, keep in mind that unnatural keyword insertion is frowned upon by search engines like Google because it is seen as detrimental to the user experience. If you want to add keywords, you should make it as natural as possible.

For example, if you sell health supplement products, then you can choose a domain name with relevant keywords such as “health supplement.com”.

Also Read: Complete Guide to Keyword Research

5. Avoid unnecessary symbols in Domain Name

Finally, avoid using unnecessary symbols such as hyphens ( – ) or periods ( ) as they can be confusing and difficult for users. Make the SLD as clear as possible without any symbols and easy for users to remember and type.

For example, “kidsbookstore.com” is certainly much better than “kids-book-store.com”.

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At this point, of course, you already understand what SLD is, right? In essence, the second level domain is the part of the domain name that is first seen by users and becomes the main identity of a website. It’s halfway between a subdomain and a TLD.

SLD is often taken from the name of a brand, business, or company. Follow the guidelines I mentioned above. If you still have any confusion, ask any questions in the comments section below or reach out to me for assistance.

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