Google 3 Official Ranking/SEO Factors shared by Google

3 Official Ranking/SEO Factors shared by Google

3 Official Ranking/SEO Factors shared by Google

Google performs more than 200 Ranking Factors. But very few people know about Top 10, Top 5 or Top 3 among them. I will tell you about the Google Top Ranking Factors mentioned by bloggers and SEO Experts. But today I will tell you about the top 3 SEO Factors that are not mentioned by any expert but by Google Webmaster Trends Analysts, Martin Splitt. Let’s know, Google Shares Top 3 SEO Factors for 2020. These are the Top 3 Official SEO Factors shared by Google.

Every blogger wants to know about the top ranking factors of Google so that they can follow them and rank their blog in search engines.

But from time to time, Google Algorithms Update keeps coming up and Google’s ranking factor changes frequently. In such a situation it is very difficult to know which ranking factor is working at this time.

Now when a member of Google has told about the top 3 SEO Factors of Google, it has become clear that following them will only benefit us. Because this member of Google has shared, we can also call them Google Official SEO Factors. Now, let me tell you about those Top SEO Factors.

Top 3 SEO Factors shared by Google for 2020

You can be sure to follow these Google’s ranking rankers. It will work 100% and you will benefit, your blog will rank.

SEO Factor # 1 – Content: Top SEO Factor

If we talk about Google’s first ranking factor, then it is a website or blog content. To get top rank in Google, your blog must have really good content. This means an information-rich website will rank better.

You should write content that provides good information to users. The articles, in which the questions of the visitors have been answered correctly.

In simple language, the user should have that content on your blog. Alternatively, the content that the users need will get top rank.

Marking states that authors use phrases that users search for when searching. This deteriorates the content balance.

You should not just write the content with the focus on the search keywords only, instead, make your content easy to read and easy to understand for the users.

SEO Factor # 2 – Meta Data of website

Google’s second-largest SEO factor is MetaData. Meta Data ensures that what is inside your article and describes your content in a summarized manner.

This is shown with the title in the search engine results. This gives the reader an idea of ​​what might be the result and what might help him.

A Meta Description is a ranking factor. Because it can attract the user despite your imperfect title in the search engine. Currently, it is Google’s ranking factor even before linking.

You should not only focus on writing good content, but also focus on better Meta Descriptions for your content. This will give more visitors to your post from search engine results.

Many bloggers ignore this thing and publish their posts just by writing quality content. Hopefully, after reading this post, he will not do so.

SEO Factor # 3 – Your website performance

Yes, Martin Splitt from Google has stated that Website Performance is included in Google’s top 3 ranking factors. Performance has also been a Top Ranking Factor for a very long time.

Some people say that if speed is important, then why there are many top sites whose performance is not so fast but they are still on the top.

So let me tell you that yes performance is a ranking factor but that does not mean that it overrides everything.

Google has more than 200 ranking factors. If a site is at the top even with useless performance, it means that it is following the rest of Google’s ranking factor.


We have too many Google ranking factors to follow. So we do not need to follow everything. If we follow some of the top-ranking factors, we can still get the top rank in Google.

According to me, there will not be any website or blog that follows all the ranking factors of Google, which does not violate any of Google’s guidelines.

Despite this, there are many blogs and websites that are on the top in Google search. Therefore, understand this very well that you do not need to follow all ranking factors but a few of them but properly.

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