What is a VPS? Complete Explanation and Types

If you have entered the world of websites, you must be familiar when you hear what VPS is.
Actually, a virtual private server or VPS is a technology that has been around for a long time.
VPS is an option for users who want to upgrade from regular shared hosting to higher server specifications.
So, have you ever thought about why it is called a virtual server? The reason is, that a Virtual Private Server is actually a physical server whose resources are divided into several server parts using software, then these server parts are called virtual servers.
A simple example of understanding VPS is to imagine a physical server as a luxury residential complex.
Well, VPS is housed in the housing complex that is joined together with other ‘houses’ in one luxury housing complex.
If you still don’t understand, take a look at the following article!
What is a VPS?
Virtual Private Server or VPS is a server virtualization technology that divides physical server resources into multiple virtual server parts.
On this virtual server, you as the owner are completely free to configure with the help of the hosting control panel, setting and using existing resources such as installing operating systems, software, plugins, and others.
VPS is now the most appropriate choice. In terms of security and stability, virtual private servers are much better than shared hosting services.
Please note, that if you use shared hosting, all the users share the space on the server.
So, if one user has a problem, the impact can affect all shared hosting users.
In addition, in terms of speed, security and customization shared hosting is also far behind when compared to VPS services.
The superior features of our Virtual Private Server are already using RAID SSD with four times faster performance than regular SSDs with an easy upgrade of VPS resources according to your needs.
VPS Types
Currently, VPS is available in several types, so you need to know the type of VPS before deciding to buy one, here’s a list:
1. OpenVZ
OpenVZ is the type of VPS that is most widely sold today with the use of an operating system that works on a shared kernel server.
This type of VPS only supports the use of Linux-based operating systems. So if you need a Windows VPS, then you should choose a different kind of VPS.
In terms of resource usage, OpenVZ is lower compared to other Virtual Private Server types, so it’s not surprising that many Virtual Private Server providers sell this OpenVZ VPS at a higher price.
2. KVM
The second type of Virtual Private Server is a Kernel-Based Virtual Machine or KVM.
The advantage of this KVM VPS is its ability to communicate and connect to hardware, while OpenVZ VPS must use an operating system to be able to communicate.
So, for those of you who need a server with full capabilities, it is better to choose a KVM VPS.
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3. HVM
The third type of virtual server is a hardware virtual machine or HVM whose virtualization is at the kernel level.
For access, this HVM will give full freedom to hardware users.
Meanwhile, in terms of features, HVM is suitable for large websites and online stores that require capable server capabilities.
4. Microsoft Hyper V
The last type of VPS is Microsoft Hyper V. From the name alone, it can be seen that the operating system uses Microsoft Windows.
The advantage of this Hyper V Virtual Private Server is the ease of use because all panels already use a GUI (Graphic User Interface).
However, in terms of cost, this type of Virtual Private Server is more expensive than Linux VPS because you need to buy a Windows license separately.
When Should You Use a VPS?
As explained above, Virtual Private Server has advantages in terms of performance compared to shared hosting.
So, if you want to experience server capabilities that are higher than shared hosting, it is highly recommended to switch to a virtual private server service.
In addition, in terms of capabilities, shared hosting also has certain limitations, if it is not able to accommodate the load, usually the hosting provider will suspend the problematic website.
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When should you use a VPN?
Well, here are some indications that show you should immediately use a VPS:
Website Loading Time Begins to Decrease
Shared hosting has limited hardware specifications, so it can be optimized to get a fast website loading time, of course, it will be difficult.
In addition, in terms of software customization, shared hosting is also limited so it can’t be free like when you use a Virtual Private Server.
Requires Custom Software
Virtual Private Server has the advantage of installing software freely. So, if you want to add certain software that doesn’t exist on shared hosting, a Virtual Private Server can do that, you know.
Examples are the GZIP Compression plugin and several other applications.
Saving Personal Data by VPS
A Virtual Private Server has the advantage of more private data storage so it is more secure when compared to shared hosting that is used by many accounts.
After all, you can also increase the Virtual Private Server security standards to be more stringent to avoid data leaks.
High Website Traffic by using a VPS
If the number of visits to your website is getting higher. You should immediately switch to using a VPS to avoid overload when many users access the website at a time.
So, how many visitors are an indication that you should switch to using a Virtual Private Server? Usually, each web hosting provider will provide information that the hosting can only accommodate as much as (for example) 125,000 per month.
Well, if you feel that your website visitors have exceeded the predetermined limit, you can immediately switch to using a Virtual Private Server before it’s too late which eventually causes the website to often go down.
Virtual Private Server has many advantages when compared to shared hosting.
In addition, VPS is an alternative for those of you who want to upgrade from shared hosting to a higher service.