SEO What is Bounce Rate? Definition, Types, and How to Reduce It

What is Bounce Rate? Definition, Types, and How to Reduce It

Bounce Rate | how to reduce bounce rate

Bounce rate is a term used to measure the percentage of visits to a website, where visitors immediately leave it without interacting. For website owners and SEO practitioners, it is important to know the bounce rate and how to reduce it.

Have you ever wondered how many visitors visit your website, what they do, and how long they spend there? They may stop by for a moment and then leave. To find out, you need to understand what bounce rate is, how to measure it, and how to reduce it. That way, you can make visitors stay longer and take the desired action on your website.

What is the bounce rate?

Bounce rate is the percentage of time a website visitor comes to your website without interacting and immediately leaves it.

Bounce rate is an indicator to assess how effective and attractive your website is in the eyes of visitors, to stay longer on the website page. A high bounce rate is an indicator that the page does not match what visitors expect, and can also be interpreted as meaning that visitors do not find what they are looking for there.

The analogy is as follows. You have an exhibition stand. Then display various goods and products that you sell at the exhibition stand. Then some visitors stop by, look around for a while, then leave without asking anything. In fact, according to you, the website is okay. If any of the visitors do the same thing, then this is a big problem that must be resolved immediately.

This is what is meant by bounce rate. Then what is the solution to reduce the percentage of bounce rate? What should be done? Come on, let’s find out together starting from the types of bounce rate. 

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Bounce Rate Types

The following are the types of bounce rates:

  1. Single Page Visits: are web visitors who leave the website after visiting one page. 
  2. Time on Site Bounce: is when a visitor immediately leaves the website, after being there for a very short time.
  3. Interaction Bounce: is when a visitor does not interact with the website page and then immediately leaves the website.

The above types of bounce rates are the ones that often occur and need to be addressed immediately.

Bounce rates are closely related to several factors. 

Factors that affect Bounce Rate

The following are factors that influence a high bounce rate.

1. Content quality

The term “don’t judge a book by its cover” does not apply here. So, your website content must be content that matches the website title. In addition, the content must be what customers are really looking for. 

Don’t just create a fantastic title, but with bad content that is not even related.

Content is king, the point that website visitors are looking for is to get what they are looking for on your website. 

2. Design and Navigation

Good content needs to be supported by good design and navigation. A website with an unattractive appearance makes visitors reluctant to stay there for long, of course, it has an impact on the high bounce rate.

3. Website Load Speed 

A website that is too slow makes visitors uncomfortable. Choosing to leave it becomes a reasonable option. A good website should be accessible in less than 5 seconds. 

4. Keyword Relevance

Keywords must match the content. Irrelevant content makes visitors disgusted and then leave the website. 

5. User Experience 

Excessive popups/ads make visitors uncomfortable. 

Tips to Reduce Bounce Rate

Here are some tips that you can apply to reduce the bounce rate on your website:

Optimize Your Website Speed

To reduce bounce rates, optimize your website speed. Compress images, use fast hosting, and minimize large files. A quicker site keeps visitors engaged, improves user experience, and helps prevent them from leaving your site early.

Create a User-Friendly Website Display

Creating a user-friendly web display is mandatory so that website visitors can easily operate the web, and can get what they are looking for on the website. Pay attention to responsive design, and easy navigation, so that it gives a good impression.

Use a Clear CTA

Use a CTA (Call to Action) color that contrasts with the theme color to make it easier to find. Provide clear writing on the CTA button.

Create a Mobile Friendly Website Display

To lower bounce rates, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Use a design that adjusts to all screen sizes, loads quickly, and is easy to navigate. Keep images light, and content clear, and test it on different devices for better user experience.

When you access the website using a smartphone, the website display will adjust to the device screen display.

Quality Content

Content is king, meaning content is king. Create quality content for your customers. That way visitors will be happy and will linger on your website. 

READ ALSO: How to Create SEO-Friendly Articles on Blogs & Websites

How to Calculate Bounce Rate Value

To calculate the bounce rate value, you can use the features of Google Analytics.

  1. Total Visitor
    The total number of visitors is calculated based on the number of sessions. You can find it in Google Analytics under Audience > Overview report.
  2. Total Bounce
    Total bounce can be checked at Behaviour > Site Content > All Pages.

Example of calculating bounce rate

If your analytical data for the number of visitors is 10,000, then the total bounce is 3,000, then the calculation is as follows:

That’s how to calculate the bounce rate on your website. If the bounce rate is high, then you need to follow the tips we shared above to reduce it.

So, what is your website’s Bounce Rate percentage?

To measure whether the website is okay, the step taken is to calculate the percentage value of the bounce rate. It is the percentage value of how many website visitors visit your website but immediately leave it. 

The bounce rate must be calculated and handled if the value is too high. By reading the article What is bounce rate, definition, types, and how to reduce it, it is hoped that you can have a good website according to what website visitors want.

That was our article about what bounce rate is, what types, and how to reduce it, hopefully, it is useful.

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