Web Hosting Why Does a Website Get Suspended?

Why Does a Website Get Suspended?

Why Does a Website Get Suspended?

You may have experienced a confusing situation when trying to visit a website. Where when visiting it, you encounter a message saying that the website is suspended. For that, it is important to contact your hosting provider for more information. The message means that the hosting provider has temporarily disabled your website. Websites suspension can be for various reasons, such as malware infection, spam content, payment failure, or policy violations.

However, the message does not provide clear instructions on what happened and how to fix it so all your site visitors will see this message. However, do not worry, because in this article, we will discuss the steps to overcome the suspended website problem and restore your website in the shortest possible time. So, check out the following article to be able to overcome this situation quickly and effectively.

Why Does Website Accounts Get Suspended?

The “this website account has been suspended” error means that your website has been temporarily disabled by your hosting provider. Hosting providers can disable websites for a variety of reasons, such as malware infection, excessive server resource usage, payment failure, and other policy violations.

When you or anyone tries to visit the website, you will see a message saying that the account has been suspended. This condition also generally will not allow you to log in to wp-admin or to your hosting provider account. If you are using a trusted hosting provider, they will usually send you an email explaining why they have disabled the account and what steps to take to resolve the issue.

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Reasons Website Providers Disable Your Site

There are several reasons why web providers disable websites. These reasons certainly mean to ensure the smooth and proper functioning of the website. Here are some of the most common reasons that occur include:

1. Malware Detection

One of the main reasons is when the hosting provider detects malware on the website. Malware is malicious software that can damage websites, harm the hosting provider, and threaten the security of site visitors. Malware can appear in various forms, such as spam links that direct visitors to malicious sites, misleading content, or phishing pages that try to steal personal information.

2. Violation of Terms of Use

Hosting providers have terms of use that website owners who use their services must follow. If the content or activity on a website violates these terms, the hosting provider has the right to disable the site. For example, if a website sells a highly regulated substance, such as certain drugs, in violation of the law or the hosting provider’s terms of use, this may result in a disablement.

3. Excessive Resource Use

Users usually host their websites on shared servers that have server and CPU resource limitations. If a website receives very high traffic or has characteristics that burden resources, such as a dynamic website that generates many server requests. Then, it will cause an excess of the limits set by the hosting provider.

This can result in the deactivation of the website. Sometimes, traffic is not reflected in website analytics. This can be a sign of a brute force attack, where an attacker tries to force their way into the site.

4. Unpaid Bills

One simple but common reason is when website owners forget or fail to pay their hosting bills. Hosting providers will issue notices and warnings regarding unpaid bills. However, if there is no response or you do not make payment. Then they may suspend the hosting account.

It is important to note that the reasons for hosting account deactivation can vary depending on the hosting provider and their policies. In addition, website owners should always adhere to the guidelines and terms of use set by their hosting providers to maintain the smooth operation of their websites.

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What to Do If Your Account is Suspended?

The best way to start the process of fixing your site’s suspended status is to contact your hosting company’s support team by calling or starting a live chat. The hosting provider will examin the reasons for your site’s rejection and offer appropriate solutions for each specific situation. Here are the steps you should take to overcome this condition:

1. Clean Infected Files

In general, if a site contains malware, you will receive a ticket where a security specialist will provide a summary of the incident which will likely include:

  • Affected domains.
  • Path to the infected file/directory.
  • The steps they took to disable the threat.

Now you need to follow the instructions given by the security team to clean the infected files. So that your website is safe and this does not happen again. The simplest solution is to restore a clean version of the files from a backup, that ensures un-infected backup. After ensuring the site is free from malware, contact the hosting team. So they can verify it and get your site back online.

2. Removing Content that Infringes Copyright

Another simple way to overcome a suspension is to remove the infringing content or replace it with public domain content. Once the website is no longer displaying the infringing content, it should be able to be reinstated once you report to the support team that the incident is over.

3. Removing Violations of Terms of Use

Removing a suspension due to a violation of the terms of use depends on the surrounding context. If there are comments on the blog that contain harassment or defamation, or someone posts someone else’s personal information, then you will need to remove them in order to reinstate the site.

If your site has been suspended, check your email for a notification that may provide the reason behind the suspension. Then, contact the support team and request access to your website to make changes to the problematic content.

4. Paying Pending Bills

As a rule, hosting companies send several notifications that your account will be suspended if the bill is not settled. If this happens, the only way to fix the situation is to pay the bill. Usually, this is the only action that can be taken through the customer portal when the account is suspended.

Some hosting providers have the option of accepting credit card payments over the phone if you can’t access your billing panel right away. Once the bill is paid, your service should be back online within minutes.

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In facing the challenges that may occur with website suspension. You need to see how important it is to choose a reliable and competent hosting provider. Choose a reliable hosting provider with various superior services that can help you keep your website running smoothly. And also protect it from possible suspensions.

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